Alphabeth - Alone
I'm going to write my own A-Z, in which it'll be written a lot of things about me, my life and some thoughts from my point of view. Everything only for me in ten years, and of course for my english. Because no one else will ever visit this site, and even less will actually read what it stands here. But it feels good to pubish it on the internet, because then I know that maybe someone, someday, will read it and realize they have just the same thoughts. That I'm not alone in this giant world, that there might be someone in Ukraine, Brazil, the USA or maybe England, that share my life, my dream and everything else.
I want to find you, but don't know where to start. I've searched for you in 17 years, without results. Maybe this is the time.
I want to find you, but don't know where to start. I've searched for you in 17 years, without results. Maybe this is the time.