I'm really sad right now. I shouldn't because everything is working properly and soon we have holiday in school. But I've just found out that I might not get the grade I want in one subjet. One subject, it shouldn't be a big deal. And might, nothing is sure yet. But for me it's quite a big deal. All my thougths are focused on it, and I'm not sure I can have a good time if I don't deal with it. So I'm going to talk to my teacher again tomorrow and hopefully he can say something that makes me feel better.
Until then I'm listening to Coldplay, who always makes me feel better.
When she was just a girl She expected the world But it flew away from her reach And the bullets catch in her teeth Life goes on, it gets so heavy
I don't want to forgive you, I want you to go out of my life. I don't answer your mails as happy as I used to, I just write back because I'm polite. I don't text-mess you anymore, I don't call you. I'm not sure wheather it's bandy or anything else you're playing. I don't know what your gifts on your birthday were, or if you're seeing other friends even though you told me you were busy doing homeworks.
It's all self-defense. You've hurt me more than anyone else, because you were one of my best friends. At that moment, you promised me to never do this again. And don't worry, I won't let you. I won't let you come into my heart, just so you can break it again.
But the truth is, I miss you. So much, that I'll never repair.
One of My best friends cancelled lur meeting, again! She always does things like that, so I'm not surprised anymore. But as my teacher says: we like out friends for who they are, not what they do. And I must think like that, because I do love her.
How do we know if we're outsiders? I've always liked to talk about myself as an outsider, that invisible person that in the future will be bigger (now I talk about politics) than anyone before (in a good way of course, a saving-the-environment-way). But I still try to fit in, laughing at boring jokes and gossiping about the one you should gossip about. I want to be that popular, funny and never-boring girl that people look up to. Even though the real me likes to read, can be lonley for hours and still thinks it's cosy, and actually like school.
But I'm trying now, I try everyday to be a little bit more me and be less fake. Because the outsider inside me is batteling for its life to come out.
What if I know how to behaive, what's appropirate, how to react, what to awswer, and you don't? You answer wrong, behave unappropirate. Then all my knowlegde are for nothing. Because you don't care, you can't care.
Rules, especially unwritten rules, are just rules as long as everybody is aware of them. And you're not.
Goooosh, I hate this so fucking much!!!! I really wished I had a life that didn't consist of homeworks 24/7..... Gooood, I have so much pressure now, I will collapse at any moment now. But at the same time I know I won't, becasue I've thought like this before and survived. I just push myself harder in belive that it'll go better then. I just push and push and push, then I have a small breakdown for myself, but keep trying, and never collapsing. WHY IS LIFE SO MEAN?
Right now I'm quite nervous. This afternoon I'm going to do something that isn't really my thing. I'm going on a dinner that might lead to a nannywork. And I'm not good in taking care of children. I try to learn from my sister, but I don't really have "it". I love children, but I'm always the one standing beside and looks on others holding the child. I'm never the one that holds. But I must face my fear, and challenge myself.
Because if I don't learn my limits, I can not break them.